Fig. 3


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Ampulicomorpha quesnoyensis sp. nov., holotype MNHN.F.A58662 (female), from Eocene Oise amber (France). A. Habitus in left lateral view. B. Ventral and frontal views, showing maxillary palps (mxp) and scape (sc). C. Dorsal view, showing apex of fore wing (fw) and hind wing (ha), and mesoscuto-scutellar groove (mg). D. Laterodorsal view showing metasomal petiole (ptl) and hind tibial spurs (ts). E. Dorsal view of head, pronotum and mesoscutum, showing contiguous frontal projections (fp), pronotal median groove (pmg), and notauli (ntl). Scale bars: 1 mm (A, B, C), 0.5 mm (D, E).

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