Fig. 2
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Section 3–6 stratigraphy based on 2012 excavations at Autrecourt-et-Pourron. A. Location of 3-6 profile on the Meuse River valley. B. Detailed Cross-section 3–6 of Autrecourt-et-Pourron. 301: Alluvial plain with overbank fines deposits and pedogenesis, 339: Sandy gravels, 341: Gravelly sands with calcareous granules, 326a: Homogeneous grey sandy silts, 326b: Grey Sandy silts, 327: Grey sandy silts and with wood debris, 328a&b: Light grey clayey silts with sandy beds, 328c: Light grey clayey silts, slightly sandy, 328d: Homogeneous yellowish sands, 329a: Brown silts, slightly organic and bioturbated, 329b: Grey clayey silts, 329c: Mottled clayey silts with root traces, 330a: Light-brown peat, 330b: Grey clayey silts, 331: Dark-brown peat, 332: Light-brown peat affected by desiccation cracks topward, 333a: Grey to greenish-grey clay, 333b: Mottled light clay with sandy beds, 334: Dark-grey humic horizon, 335: Gray clay, 336: Light-grey clay with hydromorphic features. C. Section’s picture, yellow rectangle = sediment sampling area.
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