Fig. 3


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(a) Major orogenic domains and structures in the North Atlantic realm (modified from Chenin et al., 2015 and Chenin 2016). (b) Map showing (i) the rift domains and corresponding rifting duration (i.e., the time lag between necking and breakup), as well as the distribution of breakup-related magmatic additions for the North Atlantic rift system; and (ii) orogenic inherited structures and magmatic additions onshore Western Europe and eastern N-America (from Chenin 2016). (c) Map showing the correlation of parts of the Variscan orogen across the Biscay-Pyrenean system (from Martínez Catalán et al., 2007). (d) Distribution of mantle types in Europe at 110 Ma (Late Aptian) (from Picazo et al., 2016). (e) Interpreted seismic section through the Variscan orogenic area (from Bois et al., 1989; see map in panel b for location). VT = Variscan Thrust; VF = Variscan Front; the brown shading highlights the layered and highly reflective lower crust that is interpreted as either magmatic underplate or granulite-facies metamorphosed rocks (from Chenin et al., 2019).

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