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Fig. 7


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Mud-dominated facies F2. A) Molluscan-rich peloidal packstones (F2A facies) The thin section shows dissolution of a gastropod and the abundance of microspar cement (PPL: plane polarized). B) Hand sample image showing the accumulation of molluscs in the facies F2A. The molluscan assemblage is dominated by Polymesoda sp. ( Pol. ) and small hydrobids (white arrow). C) Outcrop photograph showing the decimetre thick tabular beds of the mud-dominated facies (F2). D) Thin section of the facies F2A exhibits a mould after Polymesoda sp. (Pol.) in the upper quarters of the picture and small gastropod moulds ( Gast. ) in the lower left and right-hand quarters and abundant microspar cementation (PPL). E) Thin section of Characean-rich peloidal wackestone to packstone (F2B facies) displaying abundant characean cortical cells and stems ( Char. ) and ostracods ( Ostr. ). The matrix is made of densely packed peloids. F) Peloidal wackestone to packstones with reworked calcitic rafts ( cr ) (F2C facies). G) Thin section (under PPL) of the facies F2D showing abundant ostracods ( Ostr. ), molds of gastropods ( Gast. ) and (reworked?) ooids ( Oo. ). The micrite is inhomogeneous suggesting burrowing and bioturbation. H) Hand sample image displaying molluscan-rich ostracod wackestone (F2D facies): the molluscan shells are preserved as moulds. The assemblage is dominated by gastropods ( Gast. ) and by the bivalve Polymesoda ( Pol .).

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