Fig. 6

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Geological section of Oued Tarhia (Dahra). − Lithostratigraphic succession. 1: Selenite and anhydrite gypsum; 2: Grey to brown silt; 3: Conglomerate and sandstone; 4: Sandy clay; 5: Sandstone; 6: Coarse sandstone; 7: Sandstone, microconglomerate and conglomerate; 8: Blue marls; 9: Grey marls; 10: Fault, supposed fault. a: Log section showing lithostratigraphic of succession and sampled level position from the bottom to the top. b: View of the upper part of the Oued Tarhia section showing the Pliocene alternation of grey marl and limestone (south facade). See the dip gap existing between the beds of these deposits and the Messinian sandy marl and sandstone alternation. b: The lowest levels of Pliocene grey marls (Messinian/Zanclean boundary), the black circle indicates the location of the samples. b1: Detail showing the sampling of grey marls in a deep gully. c: The foreground shows the sandy marl and Sandstone (SMS) alternation belonging to the Messinian Lago Mare 1 (biofacies 1) ; The Pliocene gray marls appear in the background; in the center are blue marls brought back to the Messinian Lago Mare 3 (biofacies 2). c1: Detail in the sandstone benches showing a hummocky cross stratification (HCS) located under the blue marls. c2: Sandstone showing successive sedimentary structures (HCS, megaripple, oblique stratification). c3: Sorting of quartz elements marking some sandstone benches. c4: HCS. c5: Oblique stratifications. c6: Sandstone grading (coarse sandstone with microconglomerates). d: Panoramic view of the sandy marls and sandstone (SMS) alternation corresponding to the Messinian Lago Mare I (biofacies 1) capped by Messinian blue marls in the foreground; see anticline and imbricate structures (red lines), faults. e: Panoramic view showing Tortonian to Messinian lithostratigraphic units of Oued Tarhia; red lines indicate effective or suspected fault structures. e1: Unconformable succession of gypsum and grey brown clays to sandy clays and sandstone units. e2: Unconformable contact (conglomerates) between stratigraphic units (SMS and grey brown clays). e3, e4: Details of the lithostratigraphic unconformity.
Coupe de l’Oued Tarhia.
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