Fig. 8
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Planar-laminated bindstones (F3 facies) and pedogenic carbonate breccia (F4 facies). A) Field photograph of the southern face of the quarry displaying the vertical evolution from the oolitic peloidal grainstones (lower white double arrow) to the brecciated interval (dark double arrow). The red thick dashed line indicates a subaerial exposure surface, and the yellow interval indicates few centimetres-thick oolitic grainstone. The laminated bindstones occur in the upper part of the picture (see Fig. 8B and 8C). (B) Close-up view of the planar-laminated bindstone. Infra-centimetric pores are moulds after Melanopsis gastropod dissolution. C) Thin section under plane polarized light of F3 facies displaying alternations of dark (micrite) and light (accumulation of characean cortical cells fragments and calcite microspar) crinkled to wavy laminae, with characean gyrogonite ( gyr. ). D-E) Microphotographs under plane polarized light of brecciated limestones. D) Thin section showing vertical and curved cracks (root trace: rt ) filled with calcite. White box indicates a dissolution vug filled with calcitic pseudomorphs after gypsum. E) Close-up view of the box in B) showing relicts of the tabular to microlenticular gypsum and the replacing calcitic micrite to microspar. F) Thin section showing the intrasediment growth of gypsum within the oolitic-peloidal grainstone. The similarity in petrographic characters with the underlying F1B facies (see Fig. 8A) and the grain contact points to post-depositional gypsum growth after lake evaporation. The Alizarine Red staining in red colors indicates calcite mineralogy (plane polarized light). G) close-up view showing calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum that occupy the inter-ooidal space.
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