Fig. 6
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The bioclastic and porous facies of the Douleb Member (Units U1 and U2). A: (Mf9) Dolomitic microfacies showing an intercrystalline porosity (a). B: (Mf1) Dolomitized packstone rich in rudist shells of Hippuritidae type. C: (Mf2) Grainstone with small debris of rudists (a) and peloids (b); small and well sorted debris. D: (Mf3) Packstone-grainstone with small well sorted debris of rudist shells of Hippuritidae type and peloids. E: (Mf6) Packstone with large peloids (b) and large debris of rudists shells of (a) Hippuritidae and (c) Radiolitidae types, (d) development of calcitic cement around allochems: rudist and peloids. F: (Mf11) Fine packstone with small peloids, rare benthic foraminifera and echinoderms, containing large crystals of anhydrite (a).
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