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Fig. 11


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Microphotographs of the 5 different types of calcite mineralizations, each sample is illustrated by a view in natural light (left) and in cathodoluminescence (CL, right): a: sub-vertical calcite vein associated with compaction-related stylolites (white line); b: scalenohedral calcite in dolomite host-rock; in CL, bright orange bladed calcite contrasts with purple-pink dolomite host-rock; c: orange calcite in natural light ( in fault breccia comprising mudstone clasts, some of them including earlier calcite veins (cal.) and dark oxi-hydroxides elements; in CL, this calcite appears as non-homogeneous bright red areas including smaller darker or black zones; d: translucent calcite ( filling corrosion structures; e: dogtooth calcite (, the CL color bands indicate varying chemistry of the fluid, including bright orange (thermal), dark red and black (meteoric origin). CL photographs have been lightened by 10 to 30% to improve visibility but colors have not been modified.

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