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Fig. 9


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Different types of karsts observed in cores (top panels, white number indicates the sample depth) and interpreted (lower panels): a: palaeo-epi-karst at the top of the Jurassic reservoir; it is sealed by marine Miocene sediments; b: complex paleo-endokarst partly filled with laminated silty marls of Miocene age, and with euhedral calcite cement; the host-rock, karst fill and cement were later affected by dissolution; c: karstification of both host-rock and cracks mineralized with calcite: both are filled with continental lateritic red silty clay transported down to 460 m deep in the reservoir by active hydrodynamics; d: karstification of limestone partly filled by laminated lithified ochre and pink marls (1), followed by calcite cement (2) and lateritic silt (3); e: dissolution in dolomite, such connected cavities are obsereved where water flux was documented during drilling.

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