Open Access
BSGF - Earth Sci. Bull.
Volume 195, 2024
Numéro d'article 22
Nombre de pages 25
Publié en ligne 1 novembre 2024

Supplementary materials

Supplementary Table 1: Carbonate U-Pb data

Supplementary Figure S1: (a) Slide of the limestone from La Coquillade that was analyzed for U-Pb dating, showing the red, microsparitic secondary vein that was targeted (black arrow). (b) Slide of the pedogenic nodule from Jean-Jean section that was analyzed for U-Pb dating, showing the sparitic vein that was targeted (black arrow). (c) Microphotograph in non-polarized light of facies Gym, Dog Head section, showing grain-supported gyspum clasts and lenticular crystals. (d) Microphotograph in non-polarized light of facies Fp, Dog Head section, showing laminations and flat-lying bivalve shells. (e) Microphotograph in non-polarized light of facies Cr, Dog Head section, focused on a bed of lenticular gypsum crystals. (f) Microphotograph in non-polarized light of facies Cm, Dog Head section, showing massive micrite with isolated gypsum vugs, oxidation and dissolution marks.

Supplementary Figure S2: (a) Mottles and small carbonate nodules in facies Smp, Dog Head section. (b) Pedogenic nodules in the paleosol at the top of the Eocene siliclastic sequence (second lacustrine phase) forming a continuous, tabular horizon (stage-IV caliche), Dog Head section. (c) Organic-rich sands below a lignite bed at the base of the third lacustrine phase, Jean-Jean section. (d) Picture of facies Gmm and Gmc near Murs. Gmm facies is matrix-supported with a light red sandy, Microcodium-bearing matrix, while facies Gmc is clast-supported with a micritic matrix.

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© A. Licht et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2024

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