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Early Aptian development and OAE 1a-linked demise of a carbonate platform in the western Tethys: Lower Cretaceous of Sierra Mariola (South Iberian Paleomargin, SE Spain)
Rafael Martínez-Rodríguez, José M. Castro, Ginés A. de Gea, Luis M. Nieto, Pedro A. Ruiz-Ortiz and Peter W. Skelton Cretaceous Research 167 106032 (2025)
High-resolution organic carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the lower Aptian and the expression of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a in the Tibetan Himalaya
Kaibo Han, Zhiqin Liu, Xi Chen, Xuan Liu, Huifang Guo, Hanwei Yao, Yi Zhang, David B. Kemp and Chengshan Wang Global and Planetary Change 104759 (2025)
Aptian major changes in accommodation. New sedimentary evidence from the Maestrat Basin (E Iberia)
Telm Bover-Arnal, Joan Guimerà, Josep Anton Moreno-Bedmar, Carles Ferràndez-Cañadell and Ramon Salas Sedimentary Geology 459 106546 (2024)
Integrated cyclostratigraphy of the Cau core (SE Spain) - A timescale for climate change during the early Aptian Anoxic Event (OAE 1a) and the late Aptian
Rafael Martínez-Rodríguez, Sietske J. Batenburg, José M. Castro, Ginés A. de Gea, Luis M. Nieto, Pedro A. Ruiz-Ortiz and Stuart Robinson Global and Planetary Change 233 104361 (2024)
Progradation of a shallow carbonate platform developed on a fault-block in the Western Tethys (lower Aptian, Sierra de Bedmar-Jódar, Prebetic of Jaén, Spain)
Palustrine Sediments between Two Isolated Shallow Carbonate Platforms (Aptian–Albian Transition, Prebetic of Jaén, South Spain)
Luis M. Nieto, José Miguel Molina, Pedro Alejandro Ruiz-Ortiz, José Manuel Castro, Matías Reolid and Ginés A. de Gea Minerals 12(2) 116 (2022)
Reef-associated depositional environments in the lowermost Cretaceous facies (Berriasian) from the Eastern Prebetic domain (South-Iberian Palaeomargin, SE Spain)
Unattached carbonate platform evolution across the Aptian–Albian boundary: facies, magnetic susceptibility and sequence stratigraphy in the Constantine area of northeast Algeria
Non-rudist infralittoral bivalves from the Urgonian-type carbonate platforms of southeast France and the neighbouring regions: biodiversity, palaeoecological significance and relationships with rudists
Tracking magmatism and oceanic change through the early Aptian Anoxic Event (OAE 1a) to the late Aptian: Insights from osmium isotopes from the westernmost Tethys (SE Spain) Cau Core
High‐Resolution C‐Isotope, TOC and Biostratigraphic Records of OAE 1a (Aptian) From an Expanded Hemipelagic Cored Succession, Western Tethys: A New Stratigraphic Reference for Global Correlation and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction
José M. Castro, Pedro A. Ruiz‐Ortiz, Ginés A. de Gea, Roque Aguado, Ian Jarvis, Helmut Weissert, José M. Molina, Luis M. Nieto, Richard D. Pancost, María L. Quijano, Matías Reolid, Peter W. Skelton, Carmina López‐Rodríguez and Rafael Martínez‐Rodríguez Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(3) (2021)
Late Aptian carbonate platform evolution and controls (south Tethys, Tunisia): response to sea-level oscillations, palaeo-environmental changes and climate
Evidence for three successive upper Barremian–lower Aptian rudist faunas in the Urgonian-type deposits of southeastern France and their stratigraphic value
Complex and protracted environmental and ecological perturbations during OAE 1a - Evidence from an expanded pelagic section from south Spain (Western Tethys)