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Integrating geodetic infrastructures for GNSS displacements analysis in Chile: A case study with REDGEOMIN (2019–2022)

José Antonio Tarrío Mosquera, Valeria Vásquez Tejo, Catalina Cáceres Venegas, Miguel Marten-Allendes, Juan Giglio Gutierrez, Fernando Isla Rodríguez, Marcelo Caverlotti Silva, Gabriel Jeldres Vergara, Rodrigo Urrutia Vidal and Cristian Mardones Castro
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Return of the Atacama deep Slow Slip Event: The 5-year recurrence confirmed by continuous GPS

E. Klein, C. Vigny, Z. Duputel, et al.
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The Novel Copernicus Global Dataset of Atmospheric Total Water Vapour Content with Related Uncertainties from GNSS Observations

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A Secondary Zone of Uplift Measured After Megathrust Earthquakes: Caused by Early Downdip Afterslip?

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Afterslip of the Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel Earthquake Imaged Through a Time‐Dependent Inversion of Continuous and Survey GNSS Data

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Bayesian inference on the initiation phase of the 2014 Iquique, Chile, earthquake

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Post-seismic motion after 3 Chilean megathrust earthquakes: a clue for a linear asthenospheric viscosity

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Geophysical Journal International 231 (3) 1471 (2022)

The 1877 megathrust earthquake of North Chile two times smaller than thought? A review of ancient articles

Christophe Vigny and Emilie Klein
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 117 103878 (2022)