BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin
Chaîne varisque
O. Averbuch and J.M. Lardeaux (Guest editors)
Open Access
Flow of partially molten crust controlling construction, growth and collapse of the Variscan orogenic belt: the geologic record of the French Massif Central
Publié en ligne : 23 septembre 2020
Open Access
Zircon age of vaugnerite intrusives from the Central and Southern Vosges crystalline massif (E France): contribution to the geodynamics of the European Variscan belt
Publié en ligne : 25 septembre 2020
Open Access
Pressure-temperature conditions and significance of Upper Devonian eclogite and amphibolite facies metamorphisms in southern French Massif central
Publié en ligne : 25 septembre 2020