Fig. 7
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Illustration of typical deformation patterns and kinematics from the Infrastructure and the attachment of the Axial Zone. (a) Syn-melt, top-to-the East shearing in diatexites of the Aston dome (Fig. 2). (b)-(b') Syn-melt top-to-the west shearing (Chiroulet dome; Fig. 2). (c)-(c') Symmetrical boudinage in andalusite-sillimanite bearing paragneisses and micaschists (Lys-Caillaouas dome; Fig. 2; location in Fig. 11a). (d) Syn-melt top-to-the South shearing at the roof of the Infrastructure (migmatitic gneisses of the Aston dome; Fig. 2). (e) Top-to-the-south-east shearing in the mylonitic pile of andalusite-staurolite bearing micaschists forming the southeastern envelop of the Bossost dome (Fig. 10). (f) Si foliation affected by top-to-the-west shearing with superimposed Ss crenulation cleavage (roof of the Canigou dome; Fig. 2).
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