Table 1

List of the vertebrate taxa from the lower Cenomanian of Scorbé-Clairvaux-La Bergeonneau (dominant taxa are indicated in bold type).

Ecological preference Marine Brackish Terrestrial
   Cantioscyllium sp. x
   Pseudohypolophus mcnultyi x x
   Ptychotrygonoides pouiti x
   Turoniabatis cappettai x
   Archaeolamna sp x
   Haimirichia amonensis x x
   Cretodus semiplicatus x x
   Cretolamna sp. x
   Cederstroemia muelleri x
   Polyacrodus maiseyi x
   Protolamna sp x x
   Protoscyliorhinus magnus x
   Scapanorhynchus minimus x
   Squalicorax sp. x
   Ginglymodi indet x x
   Pycnodontidae indet x x
   Coelodus sp x x
   Enchodus sp. x
   Stephanodus x x
   Ichthyodectidae indet x x
   Elasmosauridae indet x
   cf. Plastremys x x
   Simoliophiidae Simoliophis rochebrunei x
   Atoposauridae indet x
   Goniopholididae Goniopholis sp x
   Bernissartiidae Bernissartia sp x
   Dinosauria indet. x

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