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Fig. 12


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Illustrations of the main sedimentary facies. A. Channels infilled by clastic sandstones and crossed lamination eroding marls (F1; Jussat). B. Mudstone with root traces and mudcracks (F2; Jussat). C. Large lenticular to lobate layers showing through cross bedding (F3b; Jussat). D. Bioturbated ooid-rich sandstone (F3d; bioturbation resembling to Egbellichnus jordidegiberti igen. and isp. nov.; Jussat outcrop). E. Bioclastic-rich grainstone showing ripples (F4; Grand Gandaillat quarry). F. Oncoid-rich packstone to grainstone (F5b; Jussat). G. Metre-high microbial-rich domes (F7) embedded in a peloid/ooid-rich packstone (F5b; Jussat). H. Cauliflower (F7) evolving to marls composed of organic matter-rich clay layers (F9; Grand Gandaillat).

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