Open Access

Table 2

Distribution of iron content in mineral phases after Mössbauer spectroscopic analysis of F1 (12 to 51) and Glc1 (1 to 10) cuttings.

Sample Depth Cpx Frh Olivine Fe-Chlorite Hematite Magnetite Ilmenite Maghemite Pyrite Fe3+/Fetotal

(m) (Fe2+) (Fe3+) (Fe2+) (Fe3+) (Fe2+) (Fe3+) (Fe3+) (Fe2+/3+) (Fe2+) (Fe3+) (Fe2+) (%)
12 149 31 24 3 14 6 6 16 63.0
13 208 24 22 20 3 3 28 74.5
14 254 26 23 3 8 5 5 4 30 68.5
16 354 28 26 8 8 12 12 8 12 64.0
17 404 14 36 11 6 6 6 8 13 64.0
18 434 15 31 9 16 6 6 3 14 70.0
19 464 4 26 11 15 8 8 4 24 77.0
21 518 10 16 12 20 11 11 2 18 68.5
22 536 18 30 31 9 9 62.5
23 552 20 48 13 8 8 3 45.0
26 616 17 16 13 7 16 17 14 47.5
30 694 18 37 28 17 37.0
33 754 17 45 21 7 7 3 48.5
38 854 12 42 28 5 5 55.5
39 871 20 59 7 5 5 4 34.5
43 954 11 14 30 6 14 15 10 41.5
47 1034 27 19 28 12 14 38.0
48 1054 11 49 8 13 13 6 38.5
50 1091 17 15 38 3 9 9 9 31.5
51 1118 11 64 9 8 8 24.0
1 76 4 80 2 2 12 95.0
2 160 78 22 100.0
3 250 19 25 20 3 3 30 79.5
4 280 24 19 23 5 5 24 73.5
5 310 76 4 20 96.0
6 340 44 56 44.0
7 370 19 36 30 4 4 7 42.0
8 400 39 26 35 74.0
9 420 35 17 48 83.0
10 458 47 19 19 66.0

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