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Fig. 6


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Illustrations of typical structures, deformation patterns and kinematics from the Superstructure of the Axial Zone. (a)-(a') Penetrative Ss axial-planar cleavage in Cambro-Ordovician siltstones and sandstones (Southwest of the Aston dome; Fig. 2). (b) Top-to-the South asymmetrical boudinage of quartz veins in the superstructure (Cambrian to Ordovician series). (c)-(c') South-Side-Up asymmetrical boudinage of calcite veins (white) and sandstones layers (brown) within Devonian marbles (Superbagnères, southwestern flank of Bossost dome, see Fig. 8a for location). (d) Mylonitic orthogneiss from the reverse-dextral Mérens Shear Zone showing North-side-up, retrogressive (greenschist facies) C' shear bands (Southern margin of the Aston dome; Fig. 2). (e)-(e') Plane view of mylonitic orthogneiss showing the dextral component of shear in the Têt-Perthus shear zone (north-eastern margin of the Canigou dome; Fig. 2).

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