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Fig. 6


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A. Section of Chadrat with the lithology, cycle distribution (grey and yellow), facies, fabrics (macro and micro) of the buildups (see Fig. 5 for the captions, Supplementary Material, Table S1 for the detailed description of the facies and their depositional environments and Fig. 9 for information on the buildups). B–D. Macro and mesofabrics (see A for localization): B. Biostrome. C. Planar macrofabric and laminated mesofabric. D. Transition from marls to planar macrofabric. E. Oncoids embed in micrite (see B). F–H. Laminated to columnar mesofabrics (see B, C and D, respectively). I–N. Detail of the microfabrics (filaments identified by Freytet, 2000): I. Plaziatella colleniaeformis. J. Purserella gracilis. K. Verrecchiella concinna. L. Cladophorites incrustata. M. Broutinella arvenensis. N. Broutinella ramulosa.

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